NR5 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NR5 0 is a postcode sector in South Norfolk, UK. Below is a complete list of NR5 0 Postcodes (Active). NR5 0 postcode sector comprises of 237 active postcodes. NR5 0 sector has a population of 8625, and it has 3833 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NR5 0 postcode sector

NR5 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8625
Addresses / Property Count 3833
Active Postcodes 237
Nearby Postcode Districts 35
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

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showing 0-50 of 237 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NR5 0AA 52.64894500 1.23352400 5 13 618832 310598
NR5 0AB 52.64717000 1.21743900 34 91 617753 310352
NR5 0AD 52.65184800 1.23326500 N/A N/A 618800 310920
NR5 0AE 52.65150700 1.23321100 19 39 618798 310882
NR5 0AF 52.65618500 1.18064600 N/A N/A 615220 311244
NR5 0AG 52.65003400 1.23839600 41 87 619156 310734
NR5 0AL 52.64494600 1.22879300 N/A N/A 618532 310139
NR5 0AN 52.64582300 1.24178100 7 16 619406 310276
NR5 0AP 52.64845600 1.23989100 35 72 619265 310563
NR5 0AQ 52.64819300 1.24126100 43 92 619359 310538
NR5 0AR 52.64761500 1.23872000 17 41 619190 310466
NR5 0AS 52.64953100 1.23807800 11 30 619137 310677
NR5 0AT 52.65030700 1.23565100 41 97 618969 310756
NR5 0AU 52.64922800 1.23600000 40 83 618998 310637
NR5 0AW 52.64700300 1.24139500 20 36 619374 310406
NR5 0AX 52.64816600 1.23765100 23 48 619115 310524
NR5 0AY 52.64835100 1.23713300 13 16 619079 310543
NR5 0AZ 52.64804200 1.23595700 21 41 619001 310505
NR5 0BA 52.64735800 1.23630500 18 43 619028 310430
NR5 0BB 52.64738200 1.23704600 8 15 619078 310435
NR5 0BD 52.64709500 1.23899200 28 68 619211 310409
NR5 0BE 52.64602100 1.23945900 18 37 619248 310291
NR5 0BG 52.64554400 1.23782700 26 53 619140 310233
NR5 0BH 52.64633000 1.23639200 17 29 619039 310316
NR5 0BQ 52.64587700 1.23650600 8 20 619049 310266
NR5 0DA 52.64528400 1.24338200 57 149 619517 310221
NR5 0DB 52.64487200 1.24267200 23 65 619471 310173
NR5 0DD 52.64534900 1.24167200 15 29 619401 310223
NR5 0DE 52.64447000 1.23665400 14 41 619066 310110
NR5 0DF 52.64458300 1.23876200 29 56 619208 310129
NR5 0DG 52.64552500 1.24075800 23 46 619338 310240
NR5 0DH 52.64454000 1.24266200 39 107 619472 310136
NR5 0DN 52.64423600 1.24028800 29 66 619313 310095
NR5 0DP 52.64340700 1.23738800 27 55 619121 309994
NR5 0DQ 52.64647900 1.24279100 18 45 619471 310352
NR5 0DW 52.64288700 1.23798600 52 87 619164 309938
NR5 0DZ 52.64456500 1.23450200 2 4 618920 310114
NR5 0EA 52.64249400 1.23525100 9 19 618981 309886
NR5 0EB 52.64173000 1.23426300 6 12 618918 309798
NR5 0ED 52.64214400 1.23422000 19 39 618913 309844
NR5 0EE 52.64275400 1.23364400 3 6 618871 309910
NR5 0EF 52.64351000 1.23422200 14 37 618906 309996
NR5 0EG 52.64263300 1.23608900 47 108 619037 309904
NR5 0EH 52.64538800 1.23531700 29 73 618971 310208
NR5 0EJ 52.64421800 1.23237700 61 135 618778 310069
NR5 0EL 52.64563200 1.23296900 19 45 618811 310228
NR5 0EN 52.64661200 1.23428400 10 18 618895 310341
NR5 0EP 52.64413100 1.23489900 N/A N/A 618949 310067
NR5 0EQ 52.64482700 1.23480200 10 21 618939 310144
NR5 0ER 52.64658300 1.23306900 22 60 618813 310334
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